UI-Utils Download

UI-Utils Download Fabric API Download Fabric loader and fabric API should be placed along with UI-Utils in the "mods" folder. Fabric loader can be found here


UI-Utils is a FabricMC Minecraft mod made by Coderx-Gamer and MrBreakNFix, that adds multiple features to Minecraft GUI(s,) making it useful for debugging plugins and dupe hunting on servers. This mod is always updated to the latest stable version of Minecraft, While it primarily supported on most Linux distributions, and OSX compatibility is not guaranteed.


If you have any questions or need assistance, you can reach out to us:

Coderx Gamer

Coderx Gamer
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The story behind UI-Utils

UI Utils was created by Coderx Gamer and MrBreakNFix in 2022, when we met on an anarchy server, both trying to find a duplication glitch. We worked together in order to create what is now known as UI-Utils.